The general conditions of operation and use of the website are drawn up in accordance with the Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot), the Personal Data Protection Act (ZVOP-1) and the Electronic Market Act (ZEPT). By submitting the order, the buyer confirms familiarity with the general conditions that apply from the moment of submission and bind the buyer and the provider.

The website is managed by the SubArt Association, Kolodvorska cesta 8, 4000 Kranj, registration number: 4014570000, tax number: SI96672153, which is also a provider of e-business services with tickets and products (hereinafter the provider). The SubArt association is the organizer or co-organizer of the events for which the website enables the purchase of tickets, and is responsible for the implementation of the events.

In case of technical problems or if the buyer needs help buying tickets, he can contact the provider via the e-mail address 



AVAILABILITY OF INFORMATION se zavezuje, da kupcu še predno ga zaveže pogodba ali ponudba, zagotavlja enostaven in stalen dostop do:

  • podatkov o društvu (ime in sedež, matična in davčna številka),
  • kontaktnih podatkov, ki uporabniku omogočajo komunikacijo (e-pošta),
  • glavnih značilnosti ponujenega blaga ali storitev,
  • informacij o dostopnosti izdelkov,
  • končne cene blaga ali storitev, ki so označene jasno in nedvoumno ter iz katerih je razvidno, ali že vsebujejo davke in stroške prevoza,
  • informacij o dodatnih stroških prevoza ali dostave,
  • plačilnih pogojev, pogojev dostave in rokov dostave blaga ali izvedbe storitev,
  • informacij o postopkih pritožbe,
  • seznanitve z odgovornostjo za stvarne napake,
  • časovne veljavnosti ponudbe,
  • informacij o možnosti odstopa od pogodbe in vračila izdelkov.





1. Find your event(s).

2. Press “TICKETS.”

3. Select the type of ticket.

4. Select the number of tickets

5. Press payment

6. Enter your information to process the order.

7. Select the payment method | PAYMENT BY UPN PAYMENT ORDER TO OUR TRR | or |PAYMENT IN


8. Press “PAY”

9. Then a window opens and informs you about the CONFIRMATION OF PAYMENT, press CONTINUE.

10. When the order is placed, press FINISH ORDER

11. Fill in your payment card information in the new window.

If you have chosen to pay by card, upon successful transaction you will receive one or more tickets, one or more events to the given email address.

The seller uses the obtained data exclusively to carry out the desired electronic purchase transaction


More in the legal notice on the protection of personal data on our website. 





• The seller’s entire range of means of payment includes:

• Credit and payment cards (Eurocard/Mastercard, Visa)

• When paying with credit cards online, it is necessary to enter information about the no. cards, validity and CVC codes.

• WARNING: Payment with credit/payment cards is carried out on the bank’s website! All payment conditions and security protocols are determined and implemented by the bank. 





In accordance with point 12 of Article 43 of the Consumer Protection Act, the consumer does not have the right to withdraw from the contract for leisure services in which the company undertakes to fulfill its obligation on a specific date or within a specific period. Accordingly, the consumer has no right to withdraw from the purchase of tickets and they cannot be returned and a refund can be requested for them, except in case of cancellation of the event or change of the date of the event.

In case of cancellation of the event or change of the event date, the provider is responsible for refunding the money. In case of cancellation of the event, the buyer can request a refund within 14 days after the scheduled date of the event via e-mail: If the event date is changed, it can be done at least 3 days before the event.

Minimal or justified changes in the line-up or execution of the program are reserved by the organizer. Because of these, the buyer is not entitled to a refund. In the case of lost or stolen tickets, the customer is not entitled to a refund, exchange or replacement tickets.

The customer must inform the tour operator of any errors in the printout of the received ticket (date, time, location of the event).

In the event of errors and changes in ticket prices listed on the website, the provider will notify the customer as soon as possible and enable him to resubmit the order at the correct price or cancel the order. If the buyer does not respond to e-mails, he agrees that the provider will cancel his ticket. If the buyer wants to cancel the already purchased ticket due to a higher true price, the provider will refund the money.

The complaint deadline is eight (8) days from the receipt of the written complaint by the buyer. 





In case of problems and possible complaints, the buyer can contact the SubArt association by e-mail at The procedure for dealing with complaints is confidential, the association is obliged to protect the information of the complainant and not to disclose it to third parties, unless the complainant expressly allows this.

The provider will make every effort to resolve any disputes amicably through a mutual out-of-court agreement, which is also expected of the buyer. If this is not possible, disputes will be resolved by the competent court in Kranj 





For the purposes of issuing an invoice and identifying the ownership of tickets, the buyer is obliged to provide the provider with his true personal data and to inform him of any changes.

The provider undertakes to protect all received personal data of customers in accordance with the regulations governing this area. Under no circumstances will the data be passed on to unauthorized third parties. You can read more about our privacy policy here.

Personal data about the customer is collected exclusively for the purpose of processing the order. If this is necessary for the successful completion of the order, the provider can contact the buyer via the specified e-mail or phone number.

Personal data about the buyer is kept until the end of the event for which the tickets were purchased, or until the ticket is accepted at the entrance to the event space on the day of the event. After that, all received personal data will be deleted from all existing databases.